2021-09-31 | DataMapper | v. 5.8.3
The document announces new features and changes for this release of DataMapper.
About this release
This release gives companies access to their DataMapper statistics in a more interactive, visually attractive and customizable way through PowerBI.
Power BI Dashboard for DataMapper customers
DataMapper Admins can see more details about their risk score in PowerBi, model their data, make data flow analysis, risk assessments, and much more.
The statistics DataMapper Admins can view with PowerBI include:
- How many numbers (CPR numbers, credit card numbers, etc) were included in their DataMapper risk score.
- Which documents contained the high-risk and risk data, document, in what location accessible to what users, and the document metadata to filter and model.
- Table of document metadata to filter and model.
Security roles in PowerBi
With this feature, both IT and sales (for example) can access their company's DataMapper results through O365 Power BI.
To use this new feature, a DataMapper Admin must have the following:
Office 365 account
Power BI license