Quick-start guide: Users

This guide is for you who recently has been invited to start using DataMapper. Below you will find a short guide to getting started as well as answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you need help you can reach out to our Customer Success team, when you have clicked the invitation link and been redirected to datamapper.bysafeonline.com - look for a blue bubble in the low left corner.


Step 1: Have you been invited to join DataMapper?

Join your team in DataMapper and start mapping and track the personal data your company has collected about customers/contacts and improve your data storage practices.

  1. Check your work email
  2. Click the DataMapper invitation link - it should look like the one pictured below
  3. Sign in to DataMapper by using your email and password (it is the same as when you logon to your email account)
  4. If the "log into DataMapper" button for whatever reason does not work for you - you can go to this link: datamapper.bysafeonline.com (ask your admin to share the link, too) + bookmark it for next time you need to access DataMapper 🙂

Step 2: Scan the storage locations your admin has selected for you

When you have logged in as described in the previous steps, you are now enrolling in the onboarding.

The Data Locations tab will open and you can see the locations your admin is inviting you to scan. Make sure you have already put any of your own non-work files in one folder to be excluded from the scan.

  1. Click on one of the locations chosen for you by your admin
  2. Click on Select folders to scan (exclude your personal folder)
  3. Click start scan (some locations may require you to authenticate with login info)
  4. Repeat for all locations
  5. When you are done authenticating you no longer need to re-start scan (this applies to Outlook only at this point) whenever you check DataMapper. The system now synchronizes data from your locations to DataMapper so you are always up to date (usually happens overnight). 

Step 3: Review risk documents

You can review your own files by going to your risk documents tab. Your admins will review everyone's files to keep privacy management on track. 

Talk to your DataMapper admin or department head about where and how different kinds of sensitive data should be stored and what you can do to reduce risk levels overall for your company.

  1. Login to DataMapper using your mail and password
  2. Click risk documents
  3. Filter documents by category, numbers, keywords, etc.
  4. Click on a document to see why it was flagged 
  5. Mark documents as 'resolved', 'action required' or 'delete'
    1. If you are unsure if you should delete a given file on its location - ask your manager about your internal protocols
    2. Track your marked files by clicking on the sub-bars shown in the top of the documents overview (see picture below)
  6. Wait until the system updates next time to see your improvement on cleaning up risk data

Step 4: Delete files in DataMapper

At some point while overlooking risk documen, you will reach the need to delete files directly via DataMapper. This is possible to do if your DataMapper admin has added on their side (ask them to check their Data Locations - Outlook - Settings) if you are met by an admin block when you try to mark the setting.

If your admin has done their part, you should be able to see this view when clicking Settings - set checkmark - save changes:

Step 5: Repeat step 3

When you have been invited to DataMapper and done your first clean-up, you should repeat it as many times as you wish so that you feel at ease with the system and how it works - and also by the internal guidelines you may have setup.

Have any questions? Or do you need support?

Reach out to our Customer Success team by clicking on the blue bubble in the below left corner on the page when you are logged into DataMapper. You can also write us on support@safeonline.dk

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