ShareSimple quick-guides: Create a DataRoom

DataRoom is a private, encrypted folder. Share the folder with clients, colleagues and others to collaborate using secure data.

Create a DataRoom (you must be a ShareSimple Admin)

  1. Open the ShareSimple window in Outlook
  2. Click Admin in the bottom left to open Admin settings in your browser
  3. Go to Folders
  4. Go to Data Rooms

5. Click the button "+ New Data Room"

  1. Give your DataRoom a name
  2. Choose a consent
  3. Click "Accept and Create"

Invite users to the DataRoom

You can invite other people to the DataRoom for flexible and secure collaboration.

  1. Select the DataRoom from the list
  2. Click Manage Sharing from the top right

  1. Click Invite User (choose Add User of the user is a member of your internal team)
  2. Enter the email of the user. You can select as many users as you like to allow them to share, access and use the DataRoom

Add a logo to the DataRoom

Make sure you’ve added a logo so that when people click on your DataRoom they will see it and feel confident they are in the right place to share their data with you securely. 

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Choose Company settings
  3. Upload your logo if you haven’t already done so

Now your DataRoom is ready to use. You can start collaboration using secure data with customers, colleagues, and others.

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