Welcome to your DataMapper!

On this page you will find out how to setup DataMapper in 8 easy steps.

1. Check your email

1. Open the invitation fromnoreply@bysafeonline.com

(Don’t see it? Check junk/spam.)

2. Click Log in to DataMapper.

2. Log in from your browser

Use the same email address and choose a new password to log in.

3. Select a storage location

Start by connecting an email and a cloud location that may contain sensitive data.

4. Invite users

You are the admin. For your trial account, invite just one more user.

5. Add specific names (minimum 3)

To search for data about a specific person(s), add their name(s).

6. Review and finish setup

Review the locations and user you have added and click finish.

7. Authenticate and scan

Your account is ready. Authenticate each data location, select folders and scan.

NB: If you are in a trial version, you are limited to scan 1000 files or emails.

8. View your results

After 5-15 minutes, review results on your dashboard and risk documents tabs.


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