DataMapper Troubleshooting: "Oops something went wrong" - what to do?

When trying to logon to DataMapper or any other page, then sometimes you might experience a slow loading page or not loading at all even after logging in.

To resolve this there are some smaller hacks you can try to do before contacting IT or our support - and of course, if the troubleshooting did not help in the first place, do reach out πŸ™‚

By following the steps below, we hope that you get back to a normal loading page of DataMapper and can continue your cleaning up of GDPR πŸ™‚

This guide contains resolve steps for:

  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Edge (coming soon)

For Chrome browser users:

Step 1: Go to your preferred browser - and type

When you have typed the address you should land on this page here:

Click to login using Microsoft and type in your email and password connected to this. Then the page should load and send you to the Data Locations page.

"I don't see my data locations....?"

What to do if the page is "spinning endlessly" or loading slowly? Go to step 2.

Step 2: Clear local storage and cookies

This happens sometimes as you use your preferred browser for a multitude of things during your work day. So you sort of "clog" the browser as the cache and cookies are propably full. There is a way to fix this so you can start over again and get back to work.

Usually you can go to Settings - Privacy & Security - Clear browserdata - Choose all time - Refresh browser. Sometimes you need to go local on the exact page you are working in, and that step is the next one here below.

Step 3: Right-click with your mouse anywhere on your page in DataMapper

When you have done this you should get a menu shown. Here you click "Inspect" or "UndersΓΈg".

If it opens up the "console" (see below) on the sidebar, then you look for Applikation on the top bar - it might be hidden behind 3 dots after Memory, but otherwise should be visible as shown here. When you have located Applikation - the next thing you should look for within this menu is Storage.

Any of the sub-menus in storage should be individually cleared. This goes for: Local storage, session storage, cookies and shared + cache storage. Should be 5 clicks.

Step 4: Clearing each storage in the console

Click on each storage - then click on datamapper - right click with your mouse and click Clear. Repeat for each storage point.

Step 5: Refresh page and continue working in DataMapper

When you have completed these steps the next thing would be to refresh the page by clicking Command + R (if you use Mac) or F5 (if you use windows). DataMapper will prompt you to logon again - then you should have a "normal" running page and all functions should be running correct again. Do check this and let us know if not.

Step 6: If this does not solve my troubleshooting - where do I get help?

We are sorry to hear it did not work. Please write us on and let us know the issue you are experiencing and what you have tried to do to resolve it. Hopefully we can help! πŸ™‚

For Safari users:

Step 1: Go to in Safari browser

Click to login using Microsoft and type in your email and password connected to this. Then the page should load and send you to the Data Locations page.

"I don't see my data locations....?"

What to do if the page is "spinning endlessly" or loading slowly? Go to step 2.

Step 2: Clear local storage and cookies

This happens sometimes as you use your preferred browser for a multitude of things during your work day. So you sort of "clog" the browser as the cache and cookies are propably full. There is a way to fix this so you can start over again and get back to work.

Usually you can go to Safari - Clear history... - Refresh browser. Sometimes you need to go local on the exact page you are working in, and that step is the next one here below.

Step 3: Right-click with your mouse on the page of DataMapper - choose "Inspect element" or "Inspicer element"

When you right-click with your mouse anywhere on the page you wish to clear the storage from, it will give you a small pop-up box as shown here. Prompting a click on inspect will open up a console. Go to next step 4.

Step 4: Inspect your page - and clear the storage

When you have done this you should get a menu shown. Here you click "Inspect element" or "Inspicer element".

If it opens up the "console" (see below) on the sidebar, then you look for Storage/Lagringsplads on the top bar. When you have located Storage/Lagringsplads - the next thing you should look for within this menu is "Cookies", "local storage" and "session storage".

Any of the sub-menus in storage should be individually cleared. Choose each one and then go all the way to right and look for a tiny trashcan πŸ—‘οΈ. Click it and it will clear. Repeat for each one.

Step 5: Refresh page and continue working in DataMapper

When you have completed these steps the next thing would be to refresh the page by clicking Command + R (if you use Mac) or F5 (if you use windows). DataMapper will prompt you to logon again - then you should have a "normal" running page and all functions should be running correct again. Do check that all functions within the page are working as you expect it to.

Step 6: If this does not solve my troubleshooting - where do I get help?

We are sorry to hear it did not work. Please write us on and let us know the issue you are experiencing and what you have tried to do to resolve it. Hopefully we can help! πŸ™‚


Write us. Or catch us via the chat function in DataMapper. Let us know your issues or questions regarding using the platform. We are here to help in any way we can, and if we cant - we will try and collaborate with your IT (sometimes its just the plain old computer being the problem πŸ˜‰).

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